Is it safe to download files from this website?

Yes, absolutely. Our website ensures the safety of all the downloads. Every torrent file which you download from this platform undergoes through a screening to guarantee its optimal functionality.
Antivirus from my PC detected a Torjan virus, but this website claims that there are no viruses. What is happening?
Many Antiviruses software sometimes identifies cracks and tends to delete them automatically. Cracks are important for enabling games to function without needing to purchase them. Whenever your antivirus detects our content as a ‘threat’, it is typically a false positive and doesn’t really signify an actual issue.
I tried to click on “Download Torrent,” but nothing happened. What should I do now?
If you clicked on ‘Download Torrent’ button, please ensure that uTorrent is running in your PC. You can also give a try to use a different web browser, or you can consider reinstalling a different torrent client. You can safely download uTorrent from this link.

What should I do if my downloaded game has some missing or corrupted files.

When the game is being downloaded, please right click on the name of the game and select the option “Force Re Check.” This will examine the torrent and it will download any missing components. If this solution still does not resolve the issue, it s highly possible that your installed antivirus software has deleted some of the downloaded game files. You should temporarily disable your antivirus and/or your Windows Defender, then try re downloading the torrent.
Is there any sort of limit to the number of game requests that we can make, and / or are they all being read?
Yes, our system does review all of the requests on the requests page that our user creates. You can submit as many requests as you’d like, but please avoid any spamming clicks, as the greater spamming clicks may greatly increase in the ban from commenting on our website.

Why I got banned on this website from commenting?

If you are self-promoting on this site, such as links sharing to other websites or if you are promoting oneself, then this action is not permitted. These actions are strongly against our rules and likely lead to ban to perform certain actions on our website.
While the game is running, I am being encountered with many issues. Is there any way to contact you for assistance?
If you are encountering with common problem, you can do simple troubleshoots such as, ensuring that the antivirus is turned off, updating all the downloaded drivers, and always remember to right click or force re check your torrent file before seeking any kind of help. Occasionally, the torrent may be corrupted, so performing a force recheck is kind of important to confirm that you have all the essential parts of the game.
I want to create a YouTube video regarding the downloading process of your website. Can I give you all the credits and is it even allowed from you?
Absolutely! You are always welcome to create videos and tutorials about obtaining games from this amazing platform. Your idea is highly appreciated and It actually will help us to expand our community and it will bring more people in, so don’t need to wait and you are allowed to create your content. We highly appreciate your support!


Where can I submit a request to have the games included on your website?

If you want to add a game to our website, all that you just need to do is to fill out a form. This form will ask you to answer the questions about the game. After you have answered all the asked questions, you can submit the form, and we will take it from here.

Is the downloaded .zip file corrupted or damaged?

You can try switching to 7 Zip. It should solve out the problem of the WinRAR which sometimes encounters issues when extracting certain games.

Can you give me instructions on updating a downloaded game, and could you please tell me how can I locate the game’s saved files?

If you want to be updated with your downloaded game, then it is very important to re download the latest cracked version as soon as it is released on our website. Be careful, before you delete your old game, it is essential to identify the saved file locations. Since every game file may reside at various file locations and extensions, you will need to search this query about this information independently through an internet search.